Thursday, 11 September 2014


we all know the boy called Kas ,real name Tobi,the boy that likes to form fresh alot,and u see him in every parole zone in school like MTN.He is a 300l going to 400l student of  CIT.a memeber of KTS CLIQUE (KAS TINIE SHUGA CLIQUE).He is just an explicit example of the word Casanova,he thinks he can get anyone he wants.

KAS FAMZING BANKY W,tho all of us will famze sha

well we all know Kas is cute and all,he is even the frontier of his clique (clique's muscle man) cos he is highly presentable who cares tho,but him having the thoughts to be the most sort after guy in BUI is so jes f**ked up
he claims he has dated 13 top Bowen girls,with the likes of light Dami eco,adejoke ,itunu ,daniella,layo and many more.Its just funny to know that most of this girls know each other but they just cant put THEIR HEADS together and say NO. .Kas is forming star boy ,boy wonder and Mr bowen.

so after many conversation with seven of his ex they all said to us that he might be cute but gat several bad characters
*he boasts alot ,he says stuffs he cannot do
*he is a lying sc*mbag
*he likes to cajole
*he is immature
*he is a little whining kid
*he is a cheat
 *he looks down on people
*HE forms Porsche and he aint up to a Camry.LOL

well many girls have been victims of his good looks but i think its time you all get to know the real him so when school resumes No girl will fall for his antiques.he is a one semester one girlfriend type and different side chicks...guess he should be running a poultry.KAS AND his so called two friends are just something else ,whenever you see them on the gossip chair all they do is make jest of girls and say how ugly they look.SMH.

my advice to KAS we all know your cute and all better face your book and stop roaming up and down looking for new babes to tick off ur cute girls list because you can spend your time on your studies am sure ur CGPA cannot flash MTN to MTN

WELL this is not a false story we all know it is true ,well the Casanova has been casted.BETTER STILL KAS IS KASTED!!!!!!!#GBAM



Unknown said... work ere, kip et up *wink

dele said...

lwkmd...his cgpa cannot flash mtn to

Niyi Daramola said...


Ttaiwo Adeyemo said...

Hope dey if he can spil. #evra When no one talks abt u den u re nobody. Jaiye ori e.